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Wind Simulator - via UDP socket

Wind simulator is a free tool that sends data like a real Wind instrument to a client PC in a local network, via UDP socket.



bl2.gif Download Windows version


bl2.gif Mac version will be available soon


bl2.gif Linux version will be available soon

Operating Instructions

- Insert the IP of the remote computer to transmit data
- Insert the UDP socket data. The remote computer has to listen at this port for data
- Select the sentences you want to send
- Change the time interval from the slider
- Change the Direction and speed sliders to a desired value. If auto is enabled then the software generates a random values close the slider's value

- Press Start

Checksum Error Control

- Every generated NMEA sentence includes checksum according to NMEA requirements

Cross platform software

- This tool is available for Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux and Mac
- Linux & Mac versions will be available soon
- For more info or to report a bug contact Yannis Baxevanis

Windows users, installation instructions

Setup is not required, unzip folder and run WindSimulator.exe
Create a shortcut if required and that is all ...

Reviews Availability

due to order

Address: 26 Mirtidiotissis str, Kastella, 18533 Piraeus, Greece
Tel.: +30.210.4134628, +30.210.4134698, Fax: +30.210.4134814

(c) NuovaMarea ltd